„The Difference between Authentic
and Non-Authentic Spirituality “
Peter Peer Rohr, Seminar Leader
Researcher of Karma and Reality Consciousness, Human Right Activist
Question: Where is the difference between other seminars and yours?
Answer: For authentic spiritual development it is more important to ask the right question rather to get the alleged right answer or supposed right solution. In so far lies the focus of my seminars in the training and cultivation of the ability to ask the right question. Whoever has learned to ask the right question has a chance to see through a humbug and can detect and differentiate more easily truth from illusion.
Question: Aren´t people more interested in getting answers to their questions and solutions to their problems?
Answer: The failure of religion and the crisis of spirituality are caused by the false attitude to hold on to borrowed beliefs and to follow noncritical external authorities with their claims to absoluteness. No answer from outside can ultimately offer a satisfying answer and no solution from outside can provide a real and lasting solution.
Question: You mean: stagnation in the religious and spiritual field is caused by the false need for ultimate and absolute answers?
Answer: Anyone who borrows truth from an external authority or a concept of truth from a religious or spiritual scripture will earlier or later be shipwrecked. Truth cannot be borrowed, nor copied, nor imitated, nor taught.
Question: If each individual must take full responsibility for his subjective process of evolution and search for his unique individual approach to truth, is the individual not lost without any guidance and instruction?
Answer: The individual not only must be trained how to explore the entire range of outer reality but must be also trained to identify the truth of his own situation and how to face it in a self sufficient and fully authentic way. Those who didn´t get proper help in this regard or followed a non-authentic teacher, find `fulfillment’ in crusading their borrowed truth or cherished belief system. For this reason too many people who were originally interested in authentic spiritual development end as mere followers of an external authority or as mere advocates of a foreign belief system. Anyone who spends his time preferable in lecturing, preaching, moralizing, blaming and proselytizing his loaned conviction has deviated from the path of authentic spiritual development. Instead of facing their self entertaining occupational therapy they find pleasure in caring, forwarding and defending their chosen or borrowed religious or spiritual belief system.
Question: Are the tools and instruments of classic and modern psychotherapy or in other words are the empirically gained findings of modern science, psychology, biochemistry and modern brain research are of any help for spiritual aspirants?
Answer: Many religious, esoteric or spiritual ambitious people would profit tremendously from various professional executed therapeutic procedures. In spite of great psychological and mental disorders as well deep emotional conflicts they continue to hold on to other directed or self created expectations that are solely based on social, cultural, nationalistic, religious or spiritual conditioned convictions and hopes. In spite of any lack of progress and true authentic change they follow the strategy of more of the same kind hoping that eventually the repetition of the same will solve their problem.
Question: There are gurus and religious dignitaries, who reject psychotherapeutic interventions. They argue that only spiritual techniques, religious traditional rituals or praying are the real solace and solution to human problems.
Answer: This logic is based on the fear to lose ones power. They don´t like that anyone questions their authority and scrutinizes their religious or spiritual belief system. In reality they would need psychotherapeutic help themselves, for they are suffering from delusions and sensory processing disorders of inner and outer reality. Many religious and spiritual leaders justify their misuse of power with spiritual tuned ideologies and idealistic claims. Any leader who hides his seemingly divine actions behind divine inspired claims and does not accept closer examination of his competence, authenticity, integrity and legitimation, reveals dishonest intentions.
Question: Does our time offer at all authentic spiritual teachers and leaders?
Answer: At all times authentic spiritual personalities have been as rare as oases in the desert. The authentic spiritual teacher, irrespective of his cultural, religious or spiritual background (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu or Buddhist) will never justify or legitimate his power and authority by the help of tradition, mystic revelations or undisputable assurance. He will never use arguments which will undermine common sense, dislocate reason or withstand the proof of ritam. For this reason it is very unlikely that you can identify a fully authentic spiritual authority amongst those well known personalities of today, who are active in the current religious or spiritual main stream.
Question: What are the main criteria whereby a student, who is interested in truth and authentic spiritual progress, can distinguish the authentic from the non-authentic teacher?
Answer: The authentic spiritual teacher or leader will empower his student in his first discourse to identify in a completely self-sufficient way the full reality of inner and outer truth. He will inspire his or her students from the beginning to examine and scrutinize his own or the authenticity, integrity and legitimation of any other teacher and system. He will remind his students to confront with full honesty the actuality and truth of any given situation. He will warn them not to waste their precious time with intellectual concepts, wishful thinking, hopes, promises or worshipping attitudes, and other directed expectations. And he will not accept to be worshiped.
Question: How is it with spiritual techniques like meditation, contemplation, rituals and affirmations and so far? Do they also fall in the same category?
Answer: The practice of any spiritual technique falls in the category of waste of time as long as the student cannot check objectively, whether the techniques he is performing are really generating authentic spiritual and material progress. As long as the student cannot perform a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical assessment of his actual and real state of progress, he is in a blind flying situation. Those who think that a regular objective inventory of their actual spiritual progress isn´t necessary seem to enjoy being at the mercy of external forces. These students are those who follow even after decades of personal stagnation the same non authentic authority and fall again and again in the same trap of false promises and manipulative strategies. Many of these unfortunate seekers of truth would stop immediately their one sided and unhealthy dependency from a non authentic spiritual authority if they would be able to check the purity of motivation and authentic legitimation of their adored or cherished teacher.
Question: Is it possible at all to know the truth in one seminar? Many wise people and hundreds of scientists and philosophers have spent an entire life time, only realizing that their search wasn´t successful?
Answer: Truth, as I understand it, is not necessarily the ability to understand in one stroke cosmic interactions and the accurate working of universal law. In my seminars anyone can learn, how to find out, whether ones personality is under the foreign influence and manipulation of an external authority and whether one has become the slave of an external belief system. Anyone can find out very quickly, whether his personality accepts heteronomy and whether the inner intelligences of one´s energy-mind-body-system are in an orderly or unbalanced state. To the extent one can identify the degree of corruption within one’s own system one can empower oneself to stop self-alienation, self-censorship and self-sabotage. The principle of corruption applies foremost to one´s own emotions and feelings. The more one feels unhappy, the more one tolerates to be tyrannized and alienated by either self-imposed or externally imposed emotions. Furthermore: the moment one realizes that unconscious areas of one’s consciousness execute massive encroachments to other people; one can stop the degree of entropy that one´s system emanates in its surroundings.
Copyright – srilalita – 2008